❤️A Toolkit For Life

Mindfulness training for greater clarity, less stress, and happiness.


Learn mindfulness tools to reduce stress and build resilience.

Evidence-based approaches to build a stronger you.

Chris Cheung Standing by tree

Chris Cheung – Founder ATKFL
Mindfulness Teacher certified by Oxford Mindfulness Foundation (OMF).
20 years of mindfulness practice.

Let's Get Mindful

Join our programmes and workshops

An Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop

One hour to one day workshops

Chris Cheung presenting. Standing in front of presentation indicating 'I am stressed'.

Finding Peace in a Frantic World (FPFW) Programme

8-Weekly one hour fifteen minute sessions

flightwings copy

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) Programme

8-Weekly two hour sessions and a day of practice


People Empowered

What our participants are saying

The whole experience on this MBCT-L course was amazing. I would say it was a life changing experience… 



There’s no quick fix to establish lifelong habits, but this 8-week program certainly builds a very strong foundation to create a better everyday.



The course can help you increase awareness of taking care yourself and getting connected with your body and feelings. You can also take away kinds of useful skills…



Corporates Too!

Mindfulness tools for your teams

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Let’s get mindful