Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop

What mindfulness is. What it isn’t.

So, you’ve heard about ‘mindfulness’ and how it can help you in your life – health, work, relationships. But you still don’t know exactly what it is. During this wisdom packed, interactive workshop we’ll take you on a journey of self-discovery where you will explore the essential ‘secrets’ of this ancient practice, and, how it can help you better manage the challenges and stress of life and work.

What You'll Learn in This Workshop

What's Included

Trainer Credentials

Chris Cheung


  • One of the few Stage 6 Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) teachers in China certified by Oxford Mindfulness Foundation (OMF) listed on OMF directory.
  • 20 years of Mindfulness practice experience.
  • Previously Director of European Union SME Centre, Head of Research and Consultancy China-Britain Business Council. 12 years facilitation and training.
  • MBCT Certificate Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, MBA Warwick University, MSc Chinese and Business Leeds University.
  • Native English speaker, highly proficient in Mandarin Chinese. 
  • Chris’ LinkedIn profile

What People Are Saying

The whole experience on this MBCT-L course was amazing. I would say it was a life changing experience. I learned a lot from it and will take them into my daily practice and my life.

Elena Li


There’s no quick fix to establish lifelong habits, but this 8-week program certainly builds a very strong foundation to create a better everyday. Chris is a wonderful teacher and engages each student into the course with curiosity, patience, and compassion. Each lesson was filled with many different practices, a good mix of both longer meditations as well as practical tools for everyday.

Ida Sandgärde


The course can help you increase awareness of taking care yourself and getting connected with your body and feelings. You can also take away kinds of useful skills to help you clean mess of thoughts, transform negative feelings to peace through allowing and raise up awareness to calm down when facing challenges.

Qin Yan


Who We've Worked With

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