Mindfulness: for You and Your Team

Why Corporate Training?

ATKFL Corporate Training was created to provide tools and practices that can help teams to better manage stress. By becoming more aware of ourselves we can become less stressed and better positioned to relate and empathise with those around us. At work and in our lives. 

Essential Tools

For Work and Life

Mindfulness and well-being solutions that your colleagues will love. Tailored to your organisational learning and development strategy. Designed to maximise the performance and well-being of your teams.Filled with tools and practical exercises that can be applied in work and life. 

Provide your teams with essential tools to...

  • Handle stress
  • Communicated Better
  • Empathise more
  • Develop self-confidence
  • Increase feelings of well being

Individuals come away...

  • Less stressed
  • More confident
  • Better able to communicate with others in the team and organisation
  • Able to understand each other better
  • Better able to deal with conflict
  • Feeling more in control of their life
  • With concrete tools that can help them after the intervention has been completed. 

How We Do It

Insight Workshops


Workshops aimed to maximise well-being, communication and performance. 

Essential tools transferred.  


  • How to better manage yourself in a stressful world
  • Managing your emotions
  • The essentials of mindfulness practice in the workplace
  • Mindfulness for Startups
  • The mindful leader
  • Empathy and compassion in the workplace

Facilitated Discussions


An opportunity to learn and grow from each other while not talking about work.

Deepening and understanding of yourself and mindfulness practice. 

Provides ongoing support following the Insight Workshops. 


  • Mindfulness led discussions
  • Mindfulness check-in 

Tools and Resources


Asynchronous solutions to maximise learning potential.

Includes summaries of tools and practices, audio recordings of practices.


  • Essential guided mindfulness practices
  • A toolkit for mindfulness micro practices

To Find Out More...

Chris Cheung, Founder

  • Mindfulness practice for 18 years
  • From London but working in China for 20 years
  • Former Director of the EU SME Centre and Head of Research and Consultancy at China-Britain Business Council
  • Experienced with MNCs, Government, NGO organisations
  • MBA – Warwick University, MSc Chinese and Business – Leeds University

Who We've Worked With